Using touch, or haptics, in mobile content offers viewers the immersive experience that brands crave to deliver to consumers.

And campaign metrics show that after experiencing video ads enhanced by Immersion’s TouchSense® haptic technology, consumers are excited and want more.

Immersion works with advertisers and ad networks to deliver impactful, tactile experiences that their customers can feel.  And their results are impressive.

ad results charts

Ads with haptics

  • Carry strong message pull through
  • Improve recall by emphasizing the tactile nature of the product
  • Increase completed views and repeats
  • Grow brand sentiment

Our campaign with Peugeot Sport – Feel the Drive was recently nominated for “Best Use of Technology,” “Most Innovative” and “Best Use of Video,” The Drum MOMA Awards. Read more about the creative for the campaign here.

In addition, haptics add a creative element that advertisers can use to express their intrinsic value to consumers

We provide support for technology integration, video ad design and delivery through major apps and mobile advertising networks.

Feeling is believing. To experience mobile content you can feel, download our content portal app which has some great examples of video, advertising and mobile games enhanced with tactile effects.

Content Portal

Download the Haptic Content Portal app
for Android devices on Google play.



Immersion will be at the Cannes Lion Festival from June 18-25, 2016.