

GTR Simulator RS30 Ultra Wheel

The RS30 Ultra Wheel is a highly realistic racing simulation accessory for your racing cockpit. The racing component features force feedback in the steering wheel as well as the pedal system to create a realistic racing experience for Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, and PC platforms.

StrikerVR Advanced Haptic Peripherals

StrikerVR's newest controller will bring novel peripheral designs to the rapidly growing consumer VR market-creating sensations for players that mimic a wide range of virtual object and letting users experience everything from the power of a floor-shaking speaker; to the crack of a baseball bat; to the pull of a fishing line.


{:en}Enhance entertainment and mobile gaming content with automated audio-to-vibe conversion.{:}{:ja}オーディオから自動的に触感を生成し、エンターテイメントとモバイル ゲーム コンテンツを強化する{:}{:zh}将音频转换为触觉感应,为用户在手机上带来独一无二的沉浸式体验{:}


{:en}Seeing + Hearing + Touching = Believing{:}{:ja}見る + 聞く + 触る = 信じる{:}{:zh}在您的手机上感受到吉他琴弦的拨动或感受到篮球的反弹。通过高质量的触感设计,您可以让人们误以为指尖感受到的是真实的效果。我们称其为触觉错觉。{:}


{:en}Create a more fun and powerful VR experience with Immersion haptics. {:}{:ja}イマージョンの触感でもっと楽しくパワフルな VR 体験を{:}{:zh}触感为手机游戏和虚拟现实技术注入沉浸感,放大整个体验。触感强化了比赛的刺激性和竞争的兴奋感,令人仿佛置身比赛现场{:}

触感と ARで思いが伝わるメッセージ

{:ja}効果的なメッセージング エフェクトでダイナミックな表現が可能に{:}

AR オフスクリーン エフェクト

{:en}Haptics extend brain-body map beyond visible AR screen. {:}{:ja}触感で、AR 画面の外側にまで脳内ボディマップを拡張 {:}